Contra the states rights/libertarian crowd, federal enforcement of desegregation at the point of a gun (eg in Alabama) is perhaps one of the best possible modern uses of government force. It is also a reasonable justification for the need for federal supremacy rather than letting the states do whatever they want. I am not implying that libertarians and others who are interested in localizing control of government are racists, but I will say that institutionalized racism is the inevitable result of their policies and that this is a mark against them that cannot be erased, especially when they campaign on "liberty".
While there are economic arguments that racism is inefficient and will be punished by the free market (and that, for instance, slavery would have died off on its own), why wait for the market to cull it out when we have the feds to guarantee it? Wait, guaranteeing individuals rights by using federal power is a statist trick, the libertarians will instead ensure your liberty by guaranteeing that states will have rights, not individuals. Especially when, in living memory, that sort of policy meant that for approximately 100 years after being constitutionally given the right to vote, certain races were not really able to vote because of state policies. And especially when people prominent in the libertarian movement have expressed reservations or even outright opposition to laws which strongly guarantee individual liberties (eg the Civil Rights Act and the Voting Rights Act) because they infringe on a state's right or a corporation's right.
In short, fuck everything about this guy and what he advocates for.
Even the Communists, who murdered millions, had a legitimate point when they pointed at America and said, "А у вас негров линчуют."