Monday, November 27, 2006

trilogy: finished

Again. Now the problem is that I really can't talk of anything other than heroism and bizarre details of Tolkien's mythology. Or about how inadequate the movies were in comparison to the book, despite the occasional ham-handedness of Tolkien. They were decent enough movies, if you ignore all that blasted computer-generated drek and the occasionally poor acting, but they simply fail to catch all that can be portrayed in the book. All movies must be selective, true, and I think they made some very fine selections, but I'm just going to say that the books really can't be adequately captured on film. I digress! But seriously: I hope I don't wake up enlisted in the Navy accidentally or something worse as a result of this influx of bold and chivalrous thinking. I'm not sure what could be worse than the Navy, though, since you can't, say, suddenly wake up married or monkish these days from a sudden burst of chivalry.


Mr. G. Z. T. said...

Bravo, though this really isn't the place to discuss the Western Rite.

Mr. G. Z. T. said...

true, this is, after all, an ecumenical web-log of sorts, judging by the title. it shall be done. Russian tone 5, not Greek, of course. I still have standards.

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to offer congratulations on (again) finishing the trilogy. Dreams of heroism and chivalry won't do you harm. In fact, please try to rub off on the other (not-so)gentlemen you meet. It would do the world good.

I would introduce myself, but not much to say--just drifted in on the internet, looking for some interesting, uh, "ecumenical web-logs" in my inquiries into Orthodoxy. Like the blog...keep writing. :)

Mr. G. Z. T. said...

well, thanks for stopping by. always pleased to have another non-anonymous [onymous] reader. I submit that dreams of heroism will do harm if I end up on a boat wearing a funny hat - though most of the readers of this web-log, being of discriminating tastes, quite enjoy the Aubrey/Maturin books and may then enjoy the salty taste this web-log would then acquire. and but so: I do indeed try the best I can to instill gentlemanly virtue in all those around me. every little bit helps.

Mr. G. Z. T. said...

Quite true, quite true. I don't have much of my precious bodily fluids to spare: every drop counts. It wouldn't do to dilute myself, and the succussion could have disastrous consequences. The recommended dosage of gzt is still 100%, though effective results can be had at 20%.

Anonymous said...

A small literary world it is, I'm three books from finishing the Aubrey Maturin canon (I can't read the 21st book, it would be too sad), and I hope to read The Lord of the Rings over Christmas break. I would not recommend joining the Navy if you have an over-abundance of chivalry, as most naval warfare these day is conducted from different time-zones... alas for laying alongside your enemy at pistol shot and boarding them in the smoke. Plus they no longer wear funny hats.

Mr. G. Z. T. said...

No more funny hats? Then what reason is there anymore to be a sailor?

Gina said...

A new Tolkien fan, I take it? Have you read The Silmarillion yet?

Mr. G. Z. T. said...

Oh, no, I've been reading Tolkien for decades. I just haven't gotten back to the books for quite a while. I've never managed to get through The Silmarillion.