Tuesday, January 02, 2007

As the Pontificator has Archdruid Rowan Williams say...

..."I repent. I repent. I repent." An old friend from high school inquired about the change in my "facebook" profile from the hellish-yet-respectable-looking antinomianism of the far past she knew me all too well for. At times it seems so little has changed: still lacking courage, etc, the pentitential seasons bring it all out in sharp relief, you know. But the short note answered a small question and gave a needed little bit of comfort for the rough work to be done. "The real truth about it is there ain't no end to the desert I'll cross: I've really known that all along." And so we keep going and that's the only way to go.

V: N., quid petis ab ecclesia Dei?
R: Fidem.
V: Fides quid tibi praestat?
R: Vitam aeternam.

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