Thursday, February 15, 2007

today's gospel...

For indeed the days are coming in which they will say, 'Blessed are the barren, wombs that never bore, and breasts which never nursed!'
...could be construed as an argument about contraception/"childfree" marriages in these last days.


Stacy said...

From where did you get this quote? What made you post it? It's very curious.

Mr. G. Z. T. said...

1. Today's gospel. Shortly before the crucifixion narrative in the Gospel according to St. Luke.
2. I was thinking about some person who was adamantly childfree and could not join any religion that would "force [her] to have children she did not want" and how accomodating some branches of Christianity are to such whims.

Caelius said...

Geoff, please read Chapter 21 of Luke, particularly verses 23 and 24.

Mr. G. Z. T. said...

Caelius: I was being mostly snarky.

Caelius said...

Well then you should have seen some of snarky things I thought about putting in this comment box. Stay warm, man.