Saturday, April 30, 2011

Rod Dreher is behind OCATruth.

No wonder it seemed very "Fox News" - they had professional guidance. I admit to being surprised. Perhaps if I could stomach his prose, I would've been familiar enough with it to recognize it. However, I doubt whether I've read more than 2000 words written by him besides his at-times-slanderous anonymous posts on that web-log. Now, the behind-the-scenes details, those are about what I expected (a little more involved, actually, but not too far), just not the name I expected. I especially like the irony of the OCATruth people harping on an investigation of how/whether Stokoe got the confidential SMPAC report (he didn't) when Rod Dreher got both it and the official response of the metropolitan. Seriously, though, I think he could have done some good if he wrote a web-log saying, "Hey, I'm Rod Dreher, and I want to provide some balance here." Etc. And conducting it in the way you have to when you're attaching your name to it and have some integrity.

Okay, and the campaign against Bishop Mark which just rolled out, I didn't know what to make of that, but the background there doesn't look good.

Anyway, there was a pretty good ordination today, I like our new bishop. It's also always good to see all these shiny bishops in one place. One kid remarked to me that he was surprised that they were so funny. Anyway.


Pauli said...

Perhaps if I could stomach his prose, I would've been familiar enough with it to recognize it.

I know that hind-sight is 20/20, but I really wished I had read more of the Muzhik posts when I first encountered OCATruth. I swear I would have pegged Dreher as a writer. There were 50 posts since 3/3! I am going to post later, focusing on the times that good ol' Muzhik bashed the Catholic church. I'm really not interested in the OCA, who's bad who's good. Frankly I don't know and besides, I'm a Catholic so criticizing OCA leaders would be a beam/mote situation to say the least.

Mr. G. Z. T. said...

Yes, the OCA saga is not important enough for anybody outside the OCA, or at least outside Orthodoxy, to take note of. The only bit of outside interest is that Rod Dreher is making some questionable decisions, and only people who take notice of Rod Dreher's writing would care about that...

Diane said...

The OCA mess is waaaay too byzantine for me to figure out. I cannot even figure out the politics in my own parish.

All I care about is the Dreherrhian double standard. The guy can become a whirling dervish for all I care at this point. I just want him to stop relfexively and obsessively bashing the Catholic Church. He has left, already. Time to move on.

If he *is* going to keep on Catholic-Bashing, then I cannot help note his hypocrisy when he sedulously refuses to give anywhere *near* equal time to to the SMPAC report, or whatever it's called. I'm sorry, but double standards disgust me.

It is clear to me that Dreher does not give two flips about the victims of sex abuse. If he did, he would care about *all* the victims, not just about the victims of RC perps. And he would want to expose *all* the culrpits, not just those in Roman collars.

As long as he wields his double standard, he shows that he is not concerned ONE IOTA with the victims. Rather, he simply has some sick fixation with the Catholic priesthood.

daughter of a sex-abuse victim who was NOT victimized by a Catholic priest but whose pain was nonetheless intensely real

Pauli said...

My post on OCA Truth and Rod Muzhik Dreher is now available.