Thursday, August 23, 2012

Slow is smooth, smooth is fast, fast is far.

I've been playing disc golf a bit since my arrival in $COLLEGETOWN because my golf discs were around, there actually are courses around, and I didn't really have many responsibilities for a few days. In $URBAN_AREA, I would've had to drive an hour to the suburbs to do it, which is Not Fun and generally Not Happening. Even though, in general, it was one of the densest areas in the country for disc golf.

Anyway, it's been about a decade since I last played regularly, and I've been reading a bit over the last weeks about technique. The title is profound if you know what it means, I've been working on figuring it out. I'm not a very good driver. I could hit 300-350' back in the day. But some guy on and insists that some simple form adjustments and the above mantra are enough to get most people up to much better distance. So I've been working a little and seeing some dividends. I've been overshooting a few holes with my putter, I put a light touch and a slow run-up today on a drive (with a driver) and overshot a 293' hole (dead on the line, too) by 60-70'. Of course, with some of the drills I'm doing, it's making some of my shots a little inconsistent as I adjust. But I feel I can consistently hit 250' of golf distance with my Aviar and 275' happens regularly - going slow and with a light touch. The course is a bit too small and narrow to try to hit longer, even if you're on the pro tees which, for whatever reason, I'm not.

Anyway, there's an intramural disc golf tournament at $UNIVERSITY in a couple weeks, so, why not? I'll brush up, it'll be good. It'll be on a course where I can see whether I've gotten a good increase in line-drive distance.

PS For whatever reason, I've been wise in my disc purchases. I only really use four discs: Cyclone, Aviar, Roc, sometimes XL. All slow, consistent discs that teach you to play real golf. A lot of people go overboard and buy discs way beyond their skill level. If you're interested in taking up the hobby, pay attention to and other sites when they say not to buy lost of shiny fast plastic: they're right. Play a lot with mid-range discs and putters. I can get 275' out of my Aviar just on "slow is smooth". And here's a great video:

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