Friday, December 27, 2013

Mosaic icons

Mosaic icons are very cool. They were common at the time Hagia Sophia was built. However, they seem to have died off. This is unfortunate. Of course, they cannot be "written", which would perhaps help kill off that silly affectation of the anglophones. They are cemented or something. Mosaics pop up occasionally. I suppose painting is now easier and rather permanent, whereas in the past, a mosaic could have been easier and more likely to survive for centuries.


Anna said...

Three Hierarchs in Champaign-Urbana has mosaics for their iconostasis. It's kind of... interesting. So I'm all for having mosaics come back, as long as artistry comes back, too.

In any case, have you been discerning any phronema with your nous lately?

Eric said...

There is a place in Chicago that gives mosaic lessons. I've considered taking a class or two at some point when I have fewer responsibilities. For now, painting in egg tempera (also a dying medium) will have to do.

Mr. G. Z. T. said...

Then again, we are no longer under the Law, so Mosaic icons are perhaps not appropriate.