Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Rebukes I've received.


At various times and diverse places, I have been warned off the path of evil, generally because my views are seen as departing from the narrow way. Here is an incomplete catalog of things people have said to me. These are provided as a warning that, according to some, I may be a dangerous thinker. Caveat lector.

  • [E]ver since you drank deep from the feminist well of delusion, interacting with you has become increasingly fruitless. ... You are in the wrong. Your church condemns feminism, and you should probably confess and repent.

    NB: I had just told him this was actually good news for Bitcoin
  • Really, BECOME ORTHODOX BEFORE you presume to write or speak about ORTHODOXY. Your smugness only alludes to your hubris and your lack of Orthodox formation. Your attitude is precisely YOUR PROBLEM and WHY YOU ARE HETERODOX. HUMBLE YOURSELF AND BECOME ORTHODOX ON ORTHODOXY's TERMS.

    NB: this was after saying I trusted the Synod about the Met. Jonah affair.
  • 3). In piety, outlook and discipline, rather than advancing fidelity to and observance of the Holy Fathers, the Holy Canons expressing the Mind of CHRIST, you smugly are content with an outlook in opposition to them, having the audacity to all such fidelity, outlook and discipline even "poisonous." That is most certainly heterodox, Protestant.

    Get an Orthodox formation before you write in smugness again.

    Same source
  • Psalm 118:8.Satan is decieving you

    NB: This one was some unbalanced Protestant on why global warming was false

  • If that's what you're doing, you should talk to your priest and connect more deeply with Orthodox IRL.

    NB: If I recall, this was in response to a comment that noted the Orthodox Church is a conservative institution, which should be uncontroversial
  • Racism in America is just a marxist social assumption that our culture has adopted and now uses.

    Okay, this one isn't really a rebuke to me, but it's friggin' nuts
  • This article seems to be a perfect example of how sin (Marxism, this is Marxist class theory applied to race) perverts what is good.

    A response to my posting this banal article
  • You are looking far too much towards modern re-interpretations and into modern "scholarship" on the matter and you are not looking enough to the pure and holy church for guidance. Do not look to the sinful, fallen world that is guided by demonic influence. Look towards the church for she is guided by the Holy Spirit.

    lollerskates - I believe this one was for saying that homosexual attraction is not, in itself, a sin
That's all I have at my fingertips. I'm sure I've been called worse. Alas, some places are either hard to search and some have rules of civility meaning posts get deleted if they are insulting, otherwise I would have more of a list.


Anna said...

Basically, they know better than you about Real Orthodoxy (TM)


Nemo said...

Cataloguing your rebukes, how prideful! You glory in your defiance; humble yourself.